By Donation Trainings

david ernest cornwell free yoga training mbct mindfulness trauma sensitive yoga Apr 05, 2022

Dear Friends

It is many years since I have written a blog. Much has happened!

The above photograph is standing in front of Palma Cathedral in Mallorca where I now live with my family, it is one of the most breathtaking shorelines of any city in the world. Zeynep, the kids and I moved here in August from Oxford. We lived in Oxford during my university studies and for most of the covid time including both lockdowns. The second UK lockdown coincided with the end of my studies, exiting lockdown and completing my studies felt like I was reborn, that I could finally lift my head, breath, and open to new possibilities. My Masters at Oxford University came on the back of training as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and then training in Mindfulness based Psychotherapy at the Karuna Institute in the UK, I was cooked! Studying is not easy for me, i am not a natural academic, my strength lies as a clinician, in practicing and teaching.

As the lockdown and my studies drew to a close Zeynep and I both agreed that we wanted to return to living in the Mediterranean. we also wanted to leave behind Brexit.

Before Covid Zeynep and I had embraced teaching online, I am a tech junkie and had built a home broadcast studio. Until now we had limited our online contribution to the Reset Youtube channel, we were ready to offer more. Our main work was traveling and teaching courses to a small number of people, we loved our work but it was exhausting and unsustainable in many ways.

Covid meant that for the first time in years we did not travel, it gave us an opportunity to change our lives. We decided to roll the dice and fulfil a long term ambition, to offer our teaching by donation. 

 In 2012 I taught a 200 Hour Yoga Alliance teacher Training for free at Cihangir Yoga in Istanbul, but it was still limited to a small number and catchment area. The shift to online meant we could break geographical obstacles and introduce these practices to underserved communities. (so far our trainings have been taught in Turkish and focused on Turkish people). 

I am now announcing that all my regular classes on this platform and an upcoming Trauma Sensitive Mindful Yoga Teacher Training taught in English will be offered in the same way. My intention is that these practices will be more accessible to more people.

I feel grateful and appreciate the 90 minutes I spend each day with a community of practitioners. The practices offer a counterbalance, a pause and some relief to the busyness and hedonism of our modern living. It offers a space where our perceptions can reorganise. 

On the membership page of this website there is a suggested monthly fee in different currencies, for those who cannot afford there is an option to join free. At the moment I am limited by the pricing structures of this platform, I am hoping an upcoming update to the platform will allow members to more easily choose what they wish to pay, The only exception will be programs where numbers are limited such as MBCT and small group supervision which will have different pricing structures. I rely on paying participants to maintain the platform and my team, this is an experiment, if it works I will continue.

My intention is to practice together and educate each other. Monday through Thursday we have daily practice sessions of mindfulness of breathing, embodied movement and breathing practices. The upcoming teacher training will be taught one evening per week, that weeks theory will become the theme of the weeks practices for inquiry and exploration.

I have already been here most days over the last 4 years, this long journey will continue. 

take care




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